Saturday 9 February 2013


10th grade... The final step of secondary education.
As I approach the last days of this academic session, I recall how enjoyable it had been.        Started with excitement, went through so many different phases and now comes to an end with a lot of  transitions....
Not only in mine, the scenario in all classrooms has changed..

In the past few weeks, it appears as if all my class fellows have actually stopped 'facebook'                      
and started 'facing' their books.The regular chatting and gossiping has taken a backseat as viva-voce takes their place while the practical files and projects seem to have replaced comics and pen-paper games.....
Then comes the actual reason of stress.........
 Before we could give out a sigh of relief after the Assessments, we had the Maths Practical coming up. And as we tried to relax after the Science Practical Test, there came the Social Science Project. Last, but not the least, to add to the "stress mess" was the Computer Practical......

Also, since a couple of weeks, we have had the selections for the Athletics Meet going on. In all, we have had a good 'brain and body' exercise...!!

This is only about school. Back at home, the workload is not less.As the teachers literally 'rush' in order to complete the syllabus, all the written-work is left to be done at home...
At the coaching centres, facing the so many 3-hour Test Series for Final Examination actually haunts us...

Then there's the universal question for all class-10 students, "11th mai kya subject le rahe ho?" My mind never seems to settle at one place, as it drifts from Science to Commerce to Humanities and back again... I guess I should rather follow my heart....

As everyone around keeps reminding how crucial the next few years will be, I too realise it's time for the textbooks and time-tables (hard to follow though..!).
So, here I grab my spoon of chawanpraash and gear up for the upcoming challenges....