Tuesday 31 May 2016


From a distinguished IIT-B alumnus to Chief Minister to Defense Minister, Manohar Parrikar stands tall as the most trusted and capable ministers of the BJP government. Not only is he dedicated and dead honest, he also uses his expertise efficiently to maneuver political machinery in the nation's interests. He exhibits simplicity in conduct and strong conviction in thoughts and action. His right-winged country- first approach is sure to give Pakistan and China a tough time.

Under Parrikar, the defense ministry has been revived and revitalized. Not only has he been able to do away with the nexus between middlemen, arms dealers and a few defense ministry officials, but also made the office much pro-active in handling crucial issues, be it the successful implementation of the Rafale Jet Deal or the One Rank One Pension issue.

Parrikar's commendable work speaks volumes of his credibility. Under him, 

1. All PSUs and ordnance factories have shown a 20% increase in turnover.

2. After 32 years, Indian-made light combat fighters have been inducted and a formation worked out.
3. Before Parrikar, Tejas aircraft were made and dumped. He made them operational. 
4. For almost 36 years, there was no indigenous production of guns. With him in office, successful trials of Dhanush have been carried out and will be soon put to use.   
5. His intervention in an arms deal saved 49,300 crore rupees. Just another example of his efficient working.
6. In March, Parrikar revealed that $3 billion dollars were just lying in an account in Washington. 
7. Defense products list for industrial licensing has been shortened.
8. Of all the acquisition proposals approved by the government, proposals worth 8890 crore come under 'Buy and Make in India' category.
9. Interactions with industry are now more intensified through DRDO and DDP.
10. Not only is he technically skilled, he also effectively utilizes his leadership skills. Over 18   personal meetings, he sorted out deals between the Air Force and Aeronautical Development Agency regarding the Tejas. Also, contracts worth 1.15 lakh crores have been finalized and contracts worth almost the same are in the pipeline.

These achievements have earned him accolades in merely two years. His relentless efforts portend a bright future for Defense in India. He has undoubtedly set a precedence for everyone; hope every minister follows his footsteps.