Thursday 19 June 2014


The horrid nightmare stings,
in many a sleepless night.
She shivers, she cries,
at her own sight.

With her skin, she is corroded from inside
and feels completely shattered.
Broken from within, her confidence gone,
Her life is totally tattered.

Womanhood weeps
at this brutal insanity.
It burns not only her,
but the whole of humanity.

Slowly, her tears have dried,
Gradually she steps out of her gloom.
As a spark ignites her heart,
she prepares to fight till his doom.

She glorifies the mirth of a girl,
her bravery, a slap on the devil's face.
Any heinous or evil act is a sign,
of an unsound and rotten race.

She dazzles with her boldness,
and never looked so pretty.
As the want of justice flares up,
her courage reflects her beauty.

So she shall stand tall
and shall awaken the statues of wax.
Her earnest desire is to,
just stop acid attacks.

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