Wednesday 3 February 2016

An Hour for The Earth

This year, on March 19, the world shall witness another Earth Hour. Electricity will be shut down for an hour from 8:30 to 9:30 in the night.

A trend started by Sydney, Australia, this movement is now global! This is the least a person can do to contribute one's bit to the environment.

The WWF ( World Wide Fund for Nature) is organising the Earth Hour.
I happened to visit the WWF Office, Delhi to volunteer for the campaign. It was indeed motivating to see over 100 students ready to devote the coming month and a half to this noble cause.

We shall be visiting RWAs , Corporates ,Malls, etc and spreading awareness about the programme through Posters, flash mobs, freeze mobs, nukkad naataks, and lots more. We shall get to interact with so many people, make new friends, visit new places and ultimately learn so much.

To Register yourself as a volunteer
Follow the link and fill the form

Be an ambassador for WWF (World Wide Fund for Nature ), go talk to RWAs and get them to install rooftop solar panels, choreograph flash mobs, form human chains, light candles at monuments, watch the India Pakistan match together with hundreds of people and what not. Being a part of the Earth Hour campaign will be one thing you’ll cherish forever.

Wondering whether you’ll get something out of it? Yes, of course. 
Certificates, experience, friends, free food (At times. No promises okay) and an association with WWF and You’re Wonderful Project which won’t just end here. 

So what are you waiting for?
This winter, join the dark side!

For more information

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