Wednesday 10 August 2016


Shobhaa De does have a reputation of a riling commentator. No wonder her inconsiderate and irresponsible comments on our team at Rio drew mass criticism. Our players toil relentlessly despite lack of due encouragement from both government and society. They are mostly totally self- driven and the least we as citizens can do is, support our own team morally!

Well Shobhaa De per say isn't to blame here. She is perhaps one of the victims of an almost putrescent parochial vision. For a significant part of the population, brilliance and credibility is restricted to academia. They are highly apprehensive of accepting extra-curricular and unconventional activities as primary professions.  Even a healthy drift is looked down upon. Sports, especially are highly undermined. Mind it, excluding cricket. Cricket is a legacy of our colonial masters, how can we not carry it on? Sports are looked upon as mere games for recreation. And owing to loss of due recognition to the field, we're unable to harness the potential of our population. So many people do not even realize they could be good at a sport because they were never given an opportunity to explore their talent. Worse, those who do recognize their talent are unable to pursue it because of lack of support, encouragement and infrastructure.

The problems come at various levels. The worst of them being, absence of awareness. Now considering there are some aware and willing people, there's no infrastructure. Where there is some kind of infrastructure, there are, most of the times, no willing and capable coaches. Now if it's one of the rare places where there are coaches too, there is no maintenance. Stadiums are used for annual functions and concerts more than they are used for matches! Almost always, equipment is in ram-shackles. Broken rackets, rusty machines, torn nets and unclean areas of practice are common.  The very famous prodigy in athletics, Budhia from Orissa, almost ran away from the govt. hostel for sportspeople because the rooms were suffocating to live in. Potential players, you are on your own here on.

An evil influence of politics within sports federations is also responsible for searing sports. It is only unfair to put vested interests before merit. What's more dismaying is, even the talented and successful ones are ruthlessly ignored . It isn't rare to hear of Gold medalists and National Champions who have to resort to odd jobs for survival.

However, in the past decade, there has been an encouraging change in the approach towards the discipline. Many schools have started taking it seriously, Sports Authority of India is in the process of resuscitation of the field, more funds are pouring in from the government and we have newer generations who highly support sports.

A large part of this change should be credited to movies that brought the condition of sports in India to light. Starting from Chak de India, that perhaps set the trend, there have been many such films.
Iqbal, Bhaag Milkha Bhaag, Patiala House, Ferrari ki Sawaari, Mary Kom, Hawa Hawaii, Sultan and upcoming Dangal are some of the wonderful mainstream flicks.

Clearly, many times, movies do the job that essentially a curriculum is supposed to do, that is, changing perspective.

Who hasn't written those essays in school on 'why sports are necessary' and how sports help build up not only physical fitness but also mental health, confidence, team-spirit, discipline, positivity, leadership and what not. Seems that was only to fetch an 'A' in the unit test and not for applying in real lives.

What's saddening is, people are dual-faced on this subject. They won't let their child go to a sports club but will be highly critical of skilled players who still somehow make it to Championships. Pretentious sports enthusiasts are the ones who find faults with players who, despite a wonderful performance, are unable to carve a place on the victory stand. Well, passion and talent can take one to a certain extent only. Beyond that, one needs moral boosting and more importantly, due attention and training.

But Team India, we are proud of you. In the given conditions, you have fought your way to the place where you are now. May you get all that you deserve! 

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