Friday 18 November 2016

Why Clinton would not have been a good choice

For all those people who are anguished because of Trump's victory and who are feeling deeply sorry for a 'deserving' Clinton, here's why Clinton wouldn't have been a good choice:

Her filliping stance

Trump has been accused of flip-flopping but Clinton's no different.
- She voted in favour of the War on Iraq and later she said she was against it.
- She was pro-Israel, then anti-Israel and now she's pro-Israel again
- She supported the Second Amendment rights of private gun holders and has also praised Australia's gun confiscation program.

- In 2008, she lied about being under a sniper fire with her daughter in Bosnia.
- "At this time, what difference does it make?" This is exactly what she, in the capacity of a government official, had said after a public blaming of the attack on the American Consulate where four Americans, including the Ambassador to Libya were killed in Benghazi.

The Controversial email scam
Setting up a private server and leaking confidential information and later taking responsibility, claiming in her defense that 'all other secretaries of state have done the same.' Responsible much?

Stance on Terrorism

So you think Trump is a threat to peace?
- Like mentioned before, she was in favour of the war on Iraq.
- In 2011, she claimed in an interview that Assad was a 'reformer'.
- Governments of Saudi Arabia and Qatar that have been keeping the ISIL alive, actually funded her campaign. What could the reason possibly be?

A 'deserving' first female president ?

All the self-proclaimed feminists out there, she is no ideal feminist.
- You accuse Trump for disrespecting women? Well, she defended a child rapist and 'laughed about it'.
- She rubbished all claims of sexual harassment , misogyny, etc against her dear husband and called all the victims 'trailer trash'. She even went so far as to threaten one of the victims in person.

Hillary Clinton has been sincerely involved in some very noble causes as well and her decades of experience in politics is commendable too but this doesn't mean we overlook her wrong side. It is indeed disappointing that the most developed democracy has still not got its first woman president and we were tis close.
But we do not want to compromise, right? Someday, we will have a lady standing for this post, hopefully Michelle Obama in 2020, and we will be proud of her.

(repost due to technical errors in the same post dated 10.11.2016)

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