Monday 14 October 2013

Why we need to debate....

Recently, I took part in the inter- class debate organised in my school for classes 11th and 12th. There were 30 speakers in all who presented their views on the proposition "Our Biggest Problem: Caste system or Ill-treatment of women”. The 2-hour event was a great success and we witnessed some very fine speeches.

The revitalizing environment created by a debate is an experience in itself to be enjoyed. The air is filled with motivational speeches, seriousness of issues, nervousness of participants and also excitement. As speakers put forward their views, it appears as if the bunch of people is actually going to bring about a rapid metamorphosis in the present situation. We come across good orators who exhibit natural speaking skills, a few engineered ones, while some who tend to become melodramatic.

The situation behind the scene is all the more interesting. Hours are spent in front of the mirror, rehearsing over and over again. The students who express grave intensity of emotions on the day, are the ones who were perspiring and struggling with words just the other day.

During the process, it is not just the issues we learn about. We improve oration, overcome stage fear, develop self-confidence, get inspired by impressive speakers and also learn to be good listeners. Apart from our own hard work, each other's mistakes too, teach us a lot.

Debating, as the primary step, is also the most essential tool for solving problems or drafting welfare schemes. Dissension  in itself is the soul of democracy, which is reflected through debate. By sharing views and criticizing, we exercise our fundamental right to the freedom of speech and expression. The country too, follows this principle of deliberation in some form or the other, be it framing laws, accommodating difference of opinions or deriving a consensus.

Often, we are already aware of the arguments and counter-arguments. Yet, we enjoy the debate. Why?  Because it is essential to bring things of great importance in the limelight when they take a backseat. The scrutiny never goes waste as it helps spread awareness and tell people what they are missing. Everyone knows that caste system and ill-treatment of women are big blots on our society, but it is necessary to repeatedly remind and inspire the people to raise a voice against them.

Awareness, ideas, thoughts, etc can be spread through speeches as well but through debates, the difference of opinions that is created, teaches us how a thing can be viewed with different perceptions. We learn to think in totality and not just stick to our point of view.

So…. let us, discuss, debate and deliberate!!!

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