Monday 5 August 2013

After a stressful week that went in giving exams, making projects, finishing assignments and running from place to place to complete tasks, 'break to banta hai yaar'...
Having reached a considerable level of exasperation and exhaustion, everyone would love to go to a place where everything is placid and quiet. Surrounded by the most beautiful natural landscapes, where every life form breathes calmness. Where there is soft sunshine, a soothing chirruping of birds, sparkling dew drops on freshly bathed leaves, a fragrant air, soft grass beneath the feet, a cool breeze lifting the hair......
Wonderful! Isn't it? This dream place is what they call 'Peace'.

Unlike the picturesque description it is usually subject to, Peace does not necessarily mean a morning walk in fresh air. It needs to be viewed with a broader perspective. Peace is closely associated with stability. One who has achieved real satisfaction in life will never be desperate for peace.

When we aim at excellence and do not indulge ourselves into momentary success, shrewdness and greed, we are also excavating our real happiness. Our capability, our self-confidence and our strong character give us inner happiness, the happiness from the heart. That is what makes Peace divine. It is like God, it is present in us while we search the world for it. We just need to sweep the impurities in us to make more room for it.

Usually it is the financially successful and diplomatic people who are in search of blithe. They work in a place which is surrounded by hostility, corruption and other evils. The fame fever has risen so much that people are ready to do or get anything by hook or crook (probably only crook works...). I chanced upon a very true saying, '' Wealth is not measured by the things we have, but by the things we have, for which we would not take money.'' The wealth of happiness one obtains by making others happy cannot be measured in words. By lending a share of joy in this world to the unfortunate, one can obtain a rich treasury of blessings, praise, bliss and ultimately, peace.

Also, we can find peace even in small instances like chatting with friends, listening to music, enjoying parties or even while eating pani-puri with cousins in the mela..!!. It is because it gives us a feeling of joy, togetherness and a reason to live, not merely exist. In order to succeed in life, many people sacrifice these little occasions of joy. This is the time to be alarmed. When somebody involves oneself into achieving worldly pleasures at the cost of this happiness, they are more likely to fail. And because of regular failure, many tend to opt for wrong means and unhappiness and pessimism creep in. Negativity leads to nowhere. Even if someone manages to walk on with inkiness, one is likely to shatter soon.

What we need is a pure soul which is the very abode of peace……
The world is hungry for a taste of Peace. Let us not waste our resources in international disputes, wars, conflicts etc. Let us give the wings of peace to the needy millions so that we can fly towards development.