Friday 2 December 2016

Captive in the mind

Captured by strong arms of society,
dragging slowly behind the mob.
Tied to chains of frivolous recreation
succumbing to whims of leisure
Submitting to confines of prejudice,
whipped by age-old diktats.
Giving in to set structures,
frozen brains, not hearts.

Slavery was abolished all over the world centuries ago but unfortunately, nothing has changed.
We are slaves. Not scared and weak slaves like those few centuries ago but fully conscious and aware slaves. We surrender to desire, greed, indolence and hinder our very own refinement. We fall weak before the opinion of the majority and knowingly cage difference in thought. We let distractions take control of our actions and kill our own ambitions and goals. We tie ourselves to pride and ego. Even if we are proven wrong, we just can not admit it. Worst of all, we submit to fear. Fear doesn't always imply being scared, cowardly or apprehensive and it isn't as typical as fear of material things. Fear comes in more latent forms, for example, not having courage to go against popular perception. We fear change. Unconsciously, over time, we have begun to find comfort in existing structures, however wrong or baseless a part of it maybe.

The only  difference in slavery prevalent in those days and now is that an external oppressive force controlled actions that time and today we are consciously allowing ourselves to be controlled by forces that are so easy to conquer. And the latter is worse.


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