Sunday 25 December 2016

Christmas is in our hearts

We don't decorate a tannenbaum,
or get a gorgeous mistletoe
neither do we hang our stockings,
nor lay the table with milk and cookies.
No lights on the fence,
or coloured ribbons on the ceilings.
No candles or turkeys,
no people in new woolens,
or the pretty snow covered roads,
in my arid homeland.
Yet we see a beautiful emotion,
the joy of giving; and
together celebrating and rejoicing.
Sharing with family and friends,

lots of the soft rum cake,
a glass of ginger ale,
those hot, crisp cookies;
and lots of gifts we do share.
We too felt,
the warmth of kind wishes
from a loved one;
the cheer of the party,
as we all get merry.
It's more than just presents and glitter,
those are just a part,
There's no Christmas,
if it isn't in your heart.

Wishing all the readers a Merry Christmas.


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