Friday 19 May 2017

Post of the day- 1

As a step to deal with eternal unjustified procrastination and inability to find a topic to write on, I plan to share one interesting image, phenomenon, person, art, movie, etc which has some unique story or fact behind it.

Today's post is from my visit to the Louvre Museum.

So here, Alexander the Great on horseback was welcomed by statesmen and high ranking officials when he visited some Greek city. However, the Greek philosopher Diogenes (the one with an extended arm) did not come to meet him. Alexander went to see him in the noon and asked if he could help him with anything. Diogenes replied, "Yes, stand out of my Sun."

Alexander, who boasted that no one could surpass him when it came to liberality, was surpassed by Diogenes, who proved himself the better man by refusing to accept from Alexander everything except those things that Alexander could not give.

This is not merely a depiction of haughtiness or audacity. The sculptor, Pierre Puget, worked under the patronage of Louis XIV. This work was a message to the King, warning him to treat his subordinates well.

It is depicted that Alexander approached Diogenes. reversing the usual stances of royalty and commoner in which the latter would be physically submissive. By such means, Diogenes communicated his cynical indifference to convention and status in a non-verbal way.

It is said the history between Alexander and Diogenes goes beyond that. Diogenes was made a prisoner several times by Alexander's father, King of Macedonia. Diogenes is also perceived as brazen and ill-mannered because of his unconventional behaviour.  Alexander too has been believed to have said, "If I were not Alexander, I would like to be Diogenes."

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