Monday 30 January 2017

Dreaming in the day

The clock gradually drags,
with the weight of nothingness.
Eyes stare blankly,

past the vibrant walls,
colourful posters fading into a blur;
past the overflowing cupboard,
wherein pop out things of all sorts.
Empty hands tapping on the desk,
full of sheets to be filled, notes to be made.
Legs wearing the new Nike shoes
dangling in a slow unconscious rhythm.
Within the mind, there's a swirl
of ideas, imagination and energies
also leisure, laziness and abstract memories.

There are weird ironies in daily life. There's a lot of time but there's no time. There's so much to be done, accomplished and explored but no willingness or effort in that direction. We want success or change but we rarely take a substantial step in that direction. Even if we do, we lose the momentum half way. Often the hinderances to our goals are not any major distractions but as mundane as unnecessary compulsive daydreaming or overstretched pangs of laziness.Recollections of past or imaginary structuring of the future, both are destructive of what we have now, the present.

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