Sunday 15 January 2017

Near the fierce division lines,
in bitter blizzards and howling hailstorms
the flame of devotion to soil keeps them warm.
The scorching desert and piercing Sun,
they ready their guns with their sweat
While the civic rulers indulge
in blame games of borders, and
filling pockets with corrupt deals;
they refuse to capitulate to the foes,
and stand strong in spite the woes.
For Sovereignty or unity;
against Enemies of ,or in , the nation
they fight them all.
And when their hands get too old to
wage a ferocious fight,
they work for betterment of their fraternity
and all that's actually what makes
the tricolour incessantly fluttering.

We have grown up worshiping the Indian army. And why wouldn't we? Those bravehearts sacrifice their comfortable lives, their desires and moreover lives for the nation without a second of hesitation.
However, we still do not applaud their precious deeds commensurately. Retired army personnel have to sit in protests for securing fair pension. most of the units do not have even bullet-proof jackets, leave alone high quality equipment that they must have. As put by one of the jawans on social media recently, they are apparently not receiving even fair-quality food!
Also at times, one or two individuals in the whole system get vulnerable to malpractices which infects it as a whole. Our army is also not immune to that. Cases of politics in promotions, untrue reporting, etc surface sometimes. Now a days, foreign intelligence agencies are also trying to creep into the army which has the potential to collapse the structure.

We cannot match with the undaunted spirit of devotion of the soldiers but we can only stand by them and make sure what they're dying for, doesn't go in vain.

- 15 January,2017
Indian Army Day

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