Tuesday 31 January 2017


Reputation is, but a farce-
A tool constructed to limit passion and courage into tiny moulds, 
of irrational and uncomfortable notions;
of stereotypes and prejudices in mixed proportions. 
A red sign, for fearless romances
and for the one taking  unconventional chances.
A wrecked pedestal of righteousness;
an old whip, whipping attempts at individual-ness.
Oh it's wary, let's rip it apart, 
so it's easy to breathe for our heart. 

The concept of a society was constructed by man for the convenient and harmonious living of his fraternity. Often, this very society imposes upon us compulsions and customs which we must necessarily abide by, in order to make space in that society. These customs vary from society to society but the way they suffocate dreams, difference of opinion and novelty remains the same. Be it society in general, or exclusive groups of intelligencia , there is a tendency to give legitimacy to accepted norms which closes all doors for new thought. Anyone taking the road not taken is perceived as a threat to society and as a result not accepted into it. This anyone may not necessarily be a person, it could be a minority religious sect, two lovers forced to elope due to caste difference, a child in a family of doctors wanting to pursue literature, a small group of theorists challenging a given theory, et al. 
The fear of being secluded away crushes emotions, desires, innovation and most importantly, freedom. It crushes all incentives to look for newer means and creates a mundane sameness of people, existing with suppressed ideas. As a result, it increases frustration, anger and resentment which further leads to disputes, violence and disharmony. 
This unnatural construction is an aberration in the way of a fearless society. And young and old voices speaking against it is what we need to have real peace in the world. 

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